Applies to: EzeScan 4.3.2 and above.

By default EzeScan will use the temp path defined in the users %TEMP% enviroment variable. e.g. C:\users\username\Appdata\Local\Temp

If there is a requirement to move this to another location then the following needs to be done.

  1. Copy the override.ini file located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Outback Imaging\EzeScan\Resources" to your desktop or another folder.
  2. Open it in a notepad editor.
  3. In the startup section add the following switch to the CommandLine. -Tempfolder "C:\your temp folder path"

    An example could also be something like:
    CommandLine= -Tempfolder "%USERPROFILE%\EzeTemp"

  4. Save and close the file
  5. Copy into C:\Program Files (x86)\Outback Imaging\EzeScan

In this example here EzeScan will create files and folders under this path for it's temporary image processing.

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